Template per i Deliverable




FASE 1 (6 mesi - Maggio 2005)

D0.R1: Report on the methodological and functional reference architecture (BO, MO, RM, TN) (resp: Roma)

D1.R1: Critical Analysis of the emerging ontology languages and standards. (BO,MO, RM, TN) (resp: Modena)

D2.R1: Critical analysis of languages and mapping techniques (MO, TN, RM) (resp: Trento)

D3.R1: Critical analysis of query languages and ontology-based query rewriting techniques (BO, MO, TN) (resp: Modena)

D3.R2: Critical analysis of query processing techniques for heterogeneous environments (BO) (resp: Bologna)


FASE 2 (6 mesi - Novembre 2005)

D0.R2: Definition of interfaces for the components of integrated prototype (BO, MO, RM, TN) (resp: Roma)

D1.R2: Definition of the language and techniques for domain ontology specification (BO, MO, TN) (resp: Modena)

D1.R5: Definition of techniques for the automatic inference of the schema of a data-intensive web site (RM) (resp: Roma)

D1.P1: Prototype for adding a new information source to the domain ontology (MO) (resp: Modena)

D2.R2: Definition of the language for specification of semantic mappings (RM, MO, TN) (resp: Trento)

D3.R3: Definition of the ontology-based query language and query processing techniques (BO, MO, TN) (resp: Bologna)


Deliverables eliminati in seguito alla rimodulazione:
D1.R3: Definition of techniques for the creation of "content summaries" (BO) (resp: Bologna)
D1.R4: Critical analysis of existing techniques for lexical chains’extractions (MO) (resp: Modena)
D2.R3: Empirical evaluation of semantic similarity measures (MO) (resp: Modena)
D3.R4: Definition of query processing techniques in WISDOM (BO) (resp: Bologna)


FASE 3 (12 mesi - Novembre 2006)

D0.P1: Integrated system prototype (BO, MO, RM, TN)

D1.P2: Prototype for the creation of "content summaries" (BO)

D1.P4: Prototype for the automatic inference of the schema of a data intensive web site (RM)

D1.P5: Prototype for the elicitation of meaning for schemas (TN)

D2.P1: Prototype of the framework for the automatic generation/management of mappings between heterogeneous domain ontologies (MO, TN)

D3.P1: Prototype for query formulation (BO, MO)

D3.P2: Prototype for distributed query processing in WISDOM (BO)


Deliverables eliminati in seguito alla rimodulazione:
D1.R6: Definition of techniques based on lexical chains to associate semantics to the schema of a data-intensive web site (RM, MO)
D1.P3: Prototype for the extraction of lexical chains from web sites (MO)