Sonia Bergamaschi partecipa al Forum Big data per l’industria bancaria e finanziaria a Roma il 25 e 26 Ottobre 2016 link:

La prof. Sonia Bergamaschi parteciperà alla giuria del Techgarage, che si terrà il prossimo 20 ottobre a Reggio Emilia, presso l’Aula Magna Manodori.

Techgarage è L’evento finale della business plan competition regionale, START CUP Emilia-Romagna 2016.

Monday, 10 October 2016 12:39

Data Challenges WS 2016

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Call for Participation

The Frankfurt Big Data Lab is announcing 

Data Challenges WS 2016

(Winter Semester 2016/2017)

Course Description: Students will take part to two Data Challenges. One offered by Deutsche Bahn AG and one offered by ING-DiBaBank.

Eligibility: Bachelor Students, Master Students, and PhD students across multiple disciplines are encouraged to attend the kickoff and to sign up for one Data Challenge.

Students in Computer Science, Mathematics, Data Science, Information Systems, Business Computer Science, and others will form teams of 2 to explore the questions posed.  Team members are required to attend the kick-off lecture to sign-up for this project.

Course Registration:  You have to register for the Data Challenge WS 2016 in the form below. Registration is preferable in teams of 2 persons. Deadline for registration is Thursday, 20.10.2016.

Data Challenges:

Among the teams that successfully complete both phases of the project, winners will be awarded a price:


Monday, 01 August 2016 11:59

"Big Data Analytics" course

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From September 19th to September 22nd 2016, the DBgroup will hold a course on "Big Data Analytics" in collaboration with CINECA.

The instructors are:

  • Prof.ssa Sonia Bergamaschi, dbgroup
  • Givanni Simonini, dbgroup
  • Song Zhu, dbgroup
  • Giuseppe Fiameni, CINECA
  • Roberta Turra, CINECA
  • Giorgio Pedrazzi, CINECA
  • Antonio Macaluso, CINECA

The course tackles the fundamental technologies to handle, and to extract value from, the so-called Big Data: Apache Hadoop/Spark, basic MapReduce programs, SQL on Spark, Machine Learning on Spark, and R language on Spark.

The main language for the course is Python. Although, experience in Python programming is not required to successfully complete the course.

Link to the detailed program:

Job description:
  • Python developer to maintain and extend the backend of Smartlis (a web-based Laboratory Information System)
  • The candidate will give high-level support to upcoming projects and already running laboratories in 24/7 mission critical contexts
  • Knowledge and experience programming in Python/Django

  • Knowledge of libraries used to connect to typical backend related systems: databases (Postgres, CouchDB, SQLServer), messaging queues (RabbitMQ...), web servers (Apache, Tomcat, NGINX), etc...

  • Strong analytical and problem solving skills

  • Experience in developing and/or supporting 24/7 mission critical applications

  • Capacity for teamwork

  • Willingness to ensure compliance with team directives and initiative to propose new ones

  • Self-learning ability

  • High level of English language

  • Kindness

Optional Skills:
  • Experience in C++/JavaScript/Java programming languages and their most used frameworks

  • Knowledge of other backend technologies (Node, PHP, Ruby...)

  • Frontend programming (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ...)

  • Management and maintenance of backend related systems: databases (SQL and NoSQL), search engines, messaging, web servers, etc...

  • Understanding of clinical laboratory workflow

On Monday 18th July, prof. Laura Po is going to present Exploration, Visualization and Querying of Linked Open Data sources at the second Keystone Training School in Santiago de Compostela.

Here are the slides of the talks

Introduction to linked open data - morning session 

Exploration, visualization and querying of linked open data sources - afternoon hands-on session

The paper "Blast: a Loosely schema-aware Meta-blocking Approach for Entity Resolution", by Giovanni Simonini, Sonia Bergamaschi and H.V. Jagadish, has been accepted at VLDB 2016.

Sonia Bergamaschi, Fabio Benedetti and Giovanni Simonini are going to present two works at SEDB 2016 - 24th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems June 19-22, 2016 - Ugento, Lecce, Italy.


Here is the program of the conference

Il Cineca Consorzio Interuniversitario indice una selezione per la copertura di n. 5 posti di 3° livello a tempo determinato con qualificate competenze professionali.

Maggiori informazioni:

Immagine incorporata 1

Big Data: dal caos dei dati all’incremento del proprio business


Daniel Rozenek (TekApp)

Francesco Guerra (DIEF - UniMoRe)

L’idea è semplice ed efficace: fare incontrare il mondo della ricerca con quello dell'impresa.
Venite ad incontrare accademici ed industriali!
 Partecipando agli eventi di R&D: da giovani idee, grandi progetti avrete l’opportunità di conoscere piccole e medie imprese e altri universitari, proporre ed ascoltare idee, esempi e necessità di industriali e ricercatori per far nascere nuovi progetti, collaborazioni e, perché no, ottenere finanziamenti. 

Vi aspettiamo 

Giovedì 10 marzo 2016, alle ore 18.30

(accreditamento da ore 18)


Auditorium di Confimi Emilia

Via P. P. Pasolini, 15 – Modena

Seguirà aperitivo al termine della conferenza



Un progetto di  :

APS "iLab - il laboratorio delle idee"


In collaborazione con :

Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori CONFIMI Emilia

Con il patrocinio di :

Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale,

Master in High Performance Computing

Comune di Modena

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