Thursday, 02 May 2013 11:14

Seminar "IBM Big Data Platform" Friday 10th May

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Title: IBM Big Data Platform

Speakers: IBM experts 

Location: room FA-1-B - Engineering Department "Enzo Ferrari" - Universita' di Modena e Reggio Emilia

Date: Friday 10th May 2013  10.30 -13.00

Abstract:  Each day, quintillion bytes of heterogeneous and dynamic information are created in blogs, tweets, emails, videos and much more. These are the "Big Data": a phenomenon that has strong repercussions on the business, both in terms of management complexity and for the value that can be generated.

A group of IBM experts will introduce this topic in the seminar on Friday with examples on real cases, and present the IBM platform for Big Data.

More information at

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