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Business Analytics to generate value from Big Data


The challenge of "Big Data" continues to grow and is an active area of significant research.

Our research focuses on techniques, experiences, applications, and lessons learned for large-scale/big data science, data intensive, and data analytics, particularly in the realms of high performance computing that lead organizations through major transformations. 

The project's goal is to provide companies with IT solutions to support decision making based on reliable predictive - analytic functions with data quality, the so called Business Analytics. MOMIS ETL supports and guides the designer, in a semi- automatic way, during the selection phase of operational data within heterogeneous information sources, during the definition of the transformation functions and loading processes in the generation of data. The Business Analytics platform consists of a web application with a user- friendly interface that guides the user during the final composition and the execution of queries on the global schema and provides a unified answer for the results obtained from different sources. The web platform created allows analysis and visualization of desired business indicators (KPIs) through dynamic geographical maps, dashboards, graphs and tables. Through the platform SMEs can better understand the Company positition thanls to the analysis of geographic data with socio-economic data from external sources (websites, social networks, Open Data, Big Data ).

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