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Monday, 01 August 2016 11:59

"Big Data Analytics" course

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From September 19th to September 22nd 2016, the DBgroup will hold a course on "Big Data Analytics" in collaboration with CINECA.

The instructors are:

  • Prof.ssa Sonia Bergamaschi, dbgroup
  • Givanni Simonini, dbgroup
  • Song Zhu, dbgroup
  • Giuseppe Fiameni, CINECA
  • Roberta Turra, CINECA
  • Giorgio Pedrazzi, CINECA
  • Antonio Macaluso, CINECA

The course tackles the fundamental technologies to handle, and to extract value from, the so-called Big Data: Apache Hadoop/Spark, basic MapReduce programs, SQL on Spark, Machine Learning on Spark, and R language on Spark.

The main language for the course is Python. Although, experience in Python programming is not required to successfully complete the course.

Link to the detailed program: