Big Data
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- Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 April 2019 09:41
The amount of data is exponentially growing.
Projects & Collaborations
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Academy “Metodologie, tecniche e tool per l’analisi dei Big Data”
- DBgroup Università di Modena & CINECA
- 50 ore di formazione: 30 ore didattica + 20 ore laboratorio big data con infrastruttura CINECA
- 20 postidisponibili
- 10 borse di studio da 1,500€
- Iscrizione: 3,000€
Assegni a favore delle imprese (previsione maggio 2017 – aprile 2018)
- BPER: “Big Data e Analytics per lo sviluppo del comportamento digitale del cliente da prospect ad acquisito”
- DOXEE: “Metodologia di progettazione di applicazioni sui Big Data basata su tecnologia Amazon Web Services“
- ExpertSystem: “Data Scientist per supportare il processo di produzione di intelligence (Corporate Intelligence Data Scientist)”
Delibera n. 554 del 28/04/2017
- Sonia Bergamaschi invited talk at "Piano Industria 4.0: Linee Operative Per Gli Ingegneri Professionisti": "Tecnologie Esistenti e Sfide. Come l'università affronta queste problematiche. " - 03/02/2018 - slides
- Sonia Bergamaschi invited talk at "i nuovi eroi", auditorium Ferrari, Maranello (Mo), Italy - 4/10/2017 - slides
- Sonia Bergamaschi invited talk at Accademia Nazionale di Scienze Lettere e Arti di Modena: "Big Data: opportunità e sfide" - slides
- Sonia Bergamaschi invited talk at Warrant: "Big Data nell'industria 4.0" - slides
- Sonia Bergamaschi invited seminar at Paris Descartes University 15/03/2017
- Sonia Bergamaschi at BigDat 2017, Bari, Italy - slides
- Sonia Bergamaschi is panelist member on the session "big data" at SEBD 2016 - link
- Sonia Bergamaschi invited speaker at the Workshop "PICO: the CINECA solution for Big Data management" @ headquarters of Casalecchio on December 5th 2014. The agenda of the workshop is published at this URL: The event will be streamed at :
- Professor Sonia Bergamaschi invited speaker at IC3K 2014 ( - lecture title"Big Data integration - State of the Art &Challenges" - Roma 21-24 October 2014. Link to the program. SLIDES (PDF)
- Professor Sonia Bergamaschi invited speaker at BDAA 2014 - lecture title " Big Data Analysis: Trends & Challenges" [IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2014), pag. 303 - 304] SLIDES
- Member of the CINI Big Data Lab - pdf
- Laboratorio Big Data dell'Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Dipartimento di Ingegneria "Enzo Ferrari"
Courses "Tools and techniques for massive data analysis" promoted by Cineca

- Big Data Exploration with Faceted Browsing [6]:

[14] Simonini, G., Gagliardelli L., Bergamaschi, S., & Jagadish, H. V. (2019). Scaling Entity Resolution: A Loosely Schema-aware Approach. Information Systems.
[13] Gagliardelli, L., Simonini, G., Beneventano D., & Bergamaschi S. (2019). SparkER: Scaling Entity Resolution in Spark. In 22nd International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 2019). poster
[12] Simonini, G., Papadakis, G., Palpanas, T., & Bergamaschi, S. (2018). Schema-agnostic Progressive Entity Resolution. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
[11] S. Bergamaschi, G. Fiameni, G. Simonini, Z. Song “SOPJ: A Scalable Online Provenance Join for Data Integration”, IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, HPCS 2017.
[10] S. Bergamaschi, L. Gagliardelli, G. Simonini, S. Zhu "BigBench workload executed by using Apache Flink", 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, Modena 2017
[9] G. Simonini, S. Bergamaschi, H.V. Jagadish "Blast: a Loosely schema-aware Meta-blocking Approach for Entity Resolution", VLDB 2016.
[8] S. Bergamaschi et al.: ”Big Data Research in Italy: a perspective ", Enginering Journal (2), 2016.
[7] S. Bergamaschi G. Simonini, S. Zhu: "Enhancing Big Data Exploration with Faceted Browsing",
Classification, (Big) Data Analysis and Statistical Learning 2017.
[6] S. Bergamaschi G. Simonini, S. Zhu: "Enhancing Big Data Exploration with Faceted Browsing", 10th Scientific Meeting of Classification and Analysis Group (CLADAG 2015).
[5] G. Simonini, S. Zhu: "Big data exploration with faceted browsing". In IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2015), Special Session on Big Data Principles, Architectures & Applications, Amsterdam, 20-24 July 2015.
[4] S. Bergamaschi, D. Ferrari, F. Guerra, G. Simonini, Y. Velegrakis: "Providing insight into data source topics." Journal on Data Semantics 5.4 (2016): 211-228.
[3] S. Bergamaschi, D. Ferrari, F. Guerra, G. Simonini: "Discovering the topics of a data source: a statistical approach" - SWSD Workshop @ISWC 2014.
[2] M. Interlandi, G. Simonini: "Towards Declarative Imperative Data-parallel Systems”, 22nd Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, SEBD 2014.
[1] G. Simonini, F. Guerra: "Using big data to support automatic Word Sense Disambiguation”, IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, HPCS 2014.
- April 2017
- DBgroup hold the course "Big Data Tools" for the "ordine degli ingegneri" (Italian Engineering Association)
- March 2016
- Francesco Guerra will speak at the talk entitled: "Big Data: dal caos dei dati all'incremento del proprio business", Modena on 13 March 2016
- November 2015
- Sonia Bergamaschi will be member of the insight review panel of the SFI Research Centre: INSIGHT-Irelands Big Data and Analytics Centre in the National University of Ireland, Galway on 25-27 November 2015.
- October 2015
- Sonia Bergamaschi is speaker at the conference CLADAG 2015 (8-10 October).
- Song Zhu is teacher of the course Toolsandtechniquesformassivedataanalysis promoted by Cineca on 14-15-16 October
- July 2015
- Francesco Guerra e Sonia Bergamaschi are track organizers of the Second International Workshop " Big Data Principles, Architecture & Applicationds (BDAA) 2015" as part of the International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2015):
- G. Simonini, S. Zhu: "Big data exploration with faceted browsing". In IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2015), Special Session on Big Data Principles, Architectures & Applications, Amsterdam, 20-24 July 2015.
- Francesco Guerra e Sonia Bergamaschi are track organizers of the Second International Workshop " Big Data Principles, Architecture & Applicationds (BDAA) 2015" as part of the International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2015):
- April 2015
- Sonia Bergamaschi and Giovanni Simonini are teachers of the "Emerging Tools and techniques for massive data analysis" promoted by Cineca on 08-09-10 April
- Sonia Bergamaschi and Giovanni Simonini are teachers of the "Emerging Tools and techniques for massive data analysis" promoted by Cineca on 08-09-10 April
- December 2014
- Sonia Bergamaschi and Giovanni Simonini are teachers of the "Emerging Tools and techniques for massive data analysis" promoted by Cineca on 15-16 december, see the agenda and link
- Sonia Bergamaschi is invited speaker at the Workshop "PICO: the CINECA solution for Big Data management" that will take place at the CINECA headquarters of Casalecchio on December 5th. The agenda of the workshop is published at this URL: The event will be streamed at :
- Sonia Bergamaschi attended as panelist the Ai*IA workshop "Embracing Potential of Big Data" in Pisa on 12/12/2014. See the agenda at:
- October 2014
- Professor Sonia Bergamaschi is invited speaker at IC3K 2014 ( - lecture title"Big Data integration - State of the Art &Challenges" - Roma 21-24 October 2014. Link to the program. SLIDES (PDF)
- July 2014
- Professor Sonia Bergamaschi is Session Chair at the BDAA 2014: Special Session on Big Data Principles, Architectures & Applications; as part of The International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2014) and panelist at HPCS 2014 "New Opportunities in High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) and High Performance Computing (HPC)
[IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2014), pag. lxiii - lxv] - Professor Sonia Bergamaschi is invited speaker at BDAA 2014 - lecture title " Big Data Analysis: Trends & Challenges" [IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2014), pag. 303 - 304] SLIDES
- G. Simonini, F.Guerra: "Using Big Data to Support Automatic Word Sense Disambiguation". In IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2014), Special Session on Big Data Principles, Architectures & Applications, Bologna, 21-25 July 2014."
- Professor Sonia Bergamaschi is Session Chair at the BDAA 2014: Special Session on Big Data Principles, Architectures & Applications; as part of The International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2014) and panelist at HPCS 2014 "New Opportunities in High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) and High Performance Computing (HPC)
March 2014
article on Sole 24 ORE DBGroup and Big Data
- May 2013