Knowledge Representation (Rappresentazione della Conoscenza) 2012/2013
- Details
- Last Updated on Thursday, 20 February 2014 11:48
Dott. Ing. Laura Po
Academic Year 2012-2013
This site is dedicated to the Knowledge Representation Class of the "Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica" Degree. The course will be teached in English.
On this page students have access to all the information on purpose, program, adopted books, exam modalities and the syllabus (i.e. a detailed list of all the topics faced during the lessons).
For students interested in thesis in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Data Mining, see the web page on the available thesis or write an email to laura.po @
Class timetable
II Academic Period (27.02.2013 - 04.06.2013)
Wednesday h. 10-13 room FA-0A (Lab Multimediale) [Engineering Department "Enzo Ferrari"]
Thursday h. 11.30-13.30 room FA-0A (Lab Multimediale) [Engineering Department "Enzo Ferrari"]
During the second academic period it is expected an interruption of lessons devoted to exams from 12.04.2013 to 17.04.2013
Contact and Office hours
Dott. Ing. Laura Po
Office hours: Thurday h. 16-18 - at professor office, Engineering Department "Enzo Ferrari", building B, first floor
Personal web site
Course Contents
Suggested Prerequisites: Database technology (Tecnologia delle Basi di Dati)
Detailed contents
Knowledge representation and Deductive Reasoning based on Description Logics
Fundamentals of Description Logic and Reasoning.
The OLCD Description Logic; knowledge representation and reasoning on databases: the ODB-TOOLS system.
Intelligent integration of Information and Ontologies. Definition of di Ontology. Languages and Tools to create ontologies: Protege, OWL.
Data Integration and interoperability: state of the art . The MOMIS system & the major commercial Information Integrator systems
Semantic Web: general concepts, languages and research trends.
Data Mining Techniques (the knowledge mining process, decision trees, association rules, clustering, analysis of case studies)
- Representing Knowledge in an uncertain domain - elements on probabilistic systems and probabilistic reasoning techniques
- Recommendation systems - Collaborative filtering, Content-based filtering, Hybrid Recommender Systems
DES (Datalog Educational System) an open-source Prolog-based implementation of a basic deductive database system.

Exam modalities
The exam consists of a written examination and an optional oral test.
Students need to subscribe to exam lists published on Esse3
Slides and teaching materials
Subscription to the class:
Students are required to enroll in the class by using the DOLLY website.
- Choose "login utente" authentication, type your LDAP credentials (e-mail account of the university)
- Enroll in Knowledge Representation Class and enter the Registration Key to view the material
- the Key Registration will be provided by the teacher in class or can be requested by students by sending e-mail.
Thesis for "Laboratorio di Ingegneria Informatica" class
Knowledge Representation projects
Old Classes
- Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig Artificial Intelligence, a Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, 3rd edition, 2010. link