Giovanni Simonini
- Details
- Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 October 2017 14:27
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CS Ph.D. and postdoc here in Modena from March 2016.
My research activity concerns Big Data, Data Integration (in particular Entity Resolution) and Semantic Web.
Ongoing Projects:
- Entity Reoslution (a.k.a. Entity Matching, Record Linkage, Deduplication):
- BLAST: a Loosely Schema-aware Meta-blocking Approach for Entity Resolution, PVLDB 2016
CODE here:
- BLAST: a Loosely Schema-aware Meta-blocking Approach for Entity Resolution, PVLDB 2016
Teaching activities
- Instructor for the course “Emerging tools and techniques for massive data analytics” organized by CINECA and CINI
- September 2016 - Modena
- December 2015 - Rome
- April 2015 - Bologna
- December 2014 – Bologna
- Teaching assistant for the courses of advanced database techniques "Tecnologia delle basi di dati" and principle of database management systems "Basi di Dati" - Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
- Book Chapters
- S.Bergamaschi, F.Guerra, G.Simonini “Keyword Search over Relational Databases: Issues, Approaches and Open Challenges”, Bridging Between Information Retrieval and Databases - pages 54--73, 2014, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
- Journal
Giovanni Simonini, Sonia Bergamaschi, H. V. Jagadish: BLAST: a Loosely Schema-aware Meta-blocking Approach for Entity Resolution. PVLDB 9(12): 1173-1184 (2016)
- Bergamaschi, S., Ferrari, D., Guerra, F., Simonini, G., & Velegrakis, Y. (2016). Providing Insight into Data Source Topics. Journal on Data Semantics, 1-18.
- Francesco Guerra, Giovanni Simonini, Maurizio Vincini: Supporting Image Search with Tag Clouds: A Preliminary Approach. Adv. in MM 2015: 439020:1-439020:10 (2015)
- Conferences
- Simonini, G., & Zhu, S. (2015, July). Big data exploration with faceted browsing. In High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), 2015 International Conference on (pp. 541-544). IEEE.
- M.Interlandi, G.Simonini, S.Bergamaschi “Towards Declarative Imperative Data-parallel Systems”, SEBD 2014. (June)
- Simonini, Giovanni, and Francesco Guerra. "Using big data to support automatic Word Sense Disambiguation." High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), 2014 International Conference on. IEEE, 2014.
- S.Bergamaschi, D.Ferrari, F.Guerra, and G.Simonini "Discovering the topics of a data source: a statistical approach". SDSW 2014 – Workshop of the ISWC 2014
- Technical Reports