Rodrigue Carlos Nana Mbinkeu
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- Last Updated on Monday, 08 October 2012 15:11
PhD.Ing. R. Carlos Nana Mbinkeu (Visiting Researcher)
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Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione |
Welcome, I am cameroonian, I arrived in italy in august 2000 afterward I started my study at the "Universitá di Modena e Reggio Emilia", Faculty of Engineering in october 2000.
In 2005, I obtained my master's degree in Computer Engineering and my thesis's dissertation: Query Optimization in MOMIS.
Query processing and optimization in mediator systems (MOMIS) that access distributed non-proprietary sources pose many novel problems. Cost-based query optimization is hard because the mediator does not have access to source statistics information and furthermore it may not be easy to model the source's performance. At the same time, querying remote sources may be very expensive because of high connection overhead, long computation time, financial charges, and temporary unavailability. My thesis present new approach to optimize operation fusion and reduce cost of connection with local sources.
I'm a member of the DBGroup research group at the "Universitá di Modena e Reggio Emilia" leaded by prof. Sonia Bergamaschi.
Research objectives
A model transformation takes as input a model conforming to a given meta-model and produces as output another model conforming to a possibly different meta-model. The notion of model transformation is central to Model-Driven Engineering, i.e. the systematic use of models as primary engineering artefacts throughout the engineering lifecycle. Model-Driven Engineering can be app-lied to software, system, and data engineering. The model transformation problem is related to some extent to the semantic approach to information integration, where schemata expressed in several different kinds of models need to be transformed in a common model in order to perform schema comparison and integration. Model transformation research topics are interesting for several information integration issues, such as schema extraction, schema integration, query processing and data quality.
Main Research activities in PhD Thesis
- A declarative mapping language based on model transformation
- Model transformation techniques for schema extraction
- Distributed query processing in Model-Driven Architecture
- Intelligent Information Integration
- Object Fusion
- Data Quality
National and International Projects
I'm involved in the national italian project NeP4B and international project STASIS.
Abroad experience
I had a stay of six months in France (INCOD group of Université de Marseille) to work on queries with constraint on quality criteria. The period was 10 January 2008 - 10 July 2008.
Teaching Activity Carried Out
- I was a tutor for Student Adele Castellani hosted for 10 days in Dbgroup to write small thesis about java application and implementation (2007).
- I taught lessons for uml during two week in start-up IT company, Correggio ,Italy, 2007 (activity extra).
- I was assistant for the course Sistemi Informativi A (2008/2009), Faculty of Engineering of Reggio Emilia, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Other activities
I supported the authors D.Beneventano, S.Bergamaschi, F.Guerra, M.Vincini in writing the new edition of their book Progetto di Basi di Dati Relazionali, edited by Pitagora Editrice Bologna, Italy.
Seminars (Hold)
seminar The MOMIS Data Integration System at the INCOD group of Université de marseille (France), 2008.
Partecipation to Conferences (for attending)
I reviewed papers for international conferences:
- 4th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2007) 3-7 June, 2007 Innsbruck , Austria.
- IEEE International Conference on Persasive Service (ICPS 2007) 15-20 July, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey.
- 6th International Semantic Web Conference & 2nd Asian Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2007 and ASWC 2007) 11-15 November 2007, Busan Korea.
Participation to national and international conferences and workshops(for studing):
- EDBT 2008, 11th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Nantes, France, March 25-29, 2008, Proceedings 2008(During my research stay at the INCOD group of Université de marseille, 01/2008 - 07/2008).
- The 6th International Conference on Principles and Practice of programming In java, September 9 - 11, 2008, Modena, Italy
My publications
- D. Beneventano and R. Carlos Nana Mbinkeu, Optimization Techniques for Data Quality Aware Queries in an Integration System, The 4th International Workshop on Data Quality in Integration System, DQIS 2011, 22-25 April 2011, Hong Kong, China. (Submited)
- D. Beneventano and R. Carlos Nana Mbinkeu, Quality-Driven Query Processing Techniques in the MOMIS Integration System, 14th East European Conference of Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2010, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 20-24, 2010. Proceedings.
- D. Beneventano, C. Gennaro, M. Mordacchini and R. C. Nana Mbinkeu, Query Processing in a Mediator System for Data and Multimedia. Workshop Interoperability through Semantic Data and Service integration co-located with SEBD 2009 Camogli(Genova), Italy June 25th, 2009.
- R. C. Nana Mbinkeu, FULL Outer Join Optimization Techniques in Integration Information Systems, 6e Manisfestation des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences et Technologies de l’information et de la Communication,Octobre 2008, Marseille, France
- D. Beneventano, S. Bergamaschi, M. Vincini, M. Orsini, R.C. Nana Mbinkeu, Query Translation on Heterogeneous Sources in MOMIS Data Transformation System,Very Large DataBase 2007,Third International workshop on Database Interoperability, September 2007, Vienna, Austria.
- D. Beneventano, S. Bergamaschi, M. Vincini, M. Orsini, R.C. Nana Mbinkeu, Getting Through the THALIA Benchmark with MOMIS, VLDB 2007 - Third International Workshop on Database Interoperability (InterDB 2007), Vienna, Austria, September 24, 2007
Updated on 14-01-2010
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