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Wednesday, 03 October 2012 10:00

Partecipazione DBGroup alla conferenza ER 2012

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Il DBGroup sarà presente alla 31st International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2012), una delle conferenze più rilevanti nel settore delle Basi di Dati, dove verranno presentati i seguenti lavori:

  1. Serena Sorrentino, Sonia Bergamaschi, Elena Parmiggiani: "An Automatic Supervised Method for Lexical Annotation of Schema Labels based on Wikipedia" (short paper)
  2. Marius Octavian Olaru. "Partial Multi-Dimensional Schema Merging in Heterogeneous Data Warehouses" (Ph.D Symposium)
  3. Matteo Interlandi. Knowlog: "A Declarative Language for Reasoning about Knowledge in Distributed Systems" (Ph.D Symposium)


La Prof.ssa Sonia Bergamaschi sarà co-chair del Phd Symposium che si terrà martedì 16 ottobre e del Panel Conceptual Models for Data-Aware Processes che si terrà mercoledì 17 ottobre. Maggiori informazioni al link.


Abstract del Panel (in inglese):

Traditionally, data and processes are conceptualized more or less in isolation. Such separation of concerns between the data and process perspectives turned out to be fruitful and it led to significant advances in both data and process management fields. However, it also makes it difficult, if not impossible, to fully understand the dependencies between the process and data at the conceptual level. In this panel we explore current approaches and perspectives on integration of data and process in conceptual modeling. In particular the panel aims at exploring the state of the art of conceptual modeling of data-aware processes, and put forward the idea that the relationship between data and process should be fully part of the conceptualization, so as to attack the ultimate goal of having a conceptual representation of both aspects. Such a conceptualization can serve as for formal analysis and verification of dynamic property of interest, though remaining at an abstract level. Indeed, it is exactly leveraging on such abstraction that we can hope to fully analyze and verify data-aware processes in spite of the strong undecidability results we have in the analysis of concrete programs. The timing for this panel is particularly appropriate considering the emergence of the so-call artifact centric processes that marry data and process aspects in the notion of “artifact”.